Wednesday, August 31, 2011

So many lessons to be learned

Every day is another adventure as a child of God. Some days I fail so miserably the things that come into my life and other days there is great victory. God wants to teach me but I have to be willing to obey when He shows me something. We teach obedience and talk of it but actually doing it when confronted is a whole other story. Yesterday not so good, but today is another day!

Since today is the 31st I read Prov. 31 once again. Just reading it convicts the soul. The character that this chapter displays is a Godly woman who obeys God and does the things that are expected of her. The biggest thing I notice though is she does not complain but rather seems to enjoy the tasks that God has given her. When I finally learn to fear the Lord as He would have me to, I know that I will be content doing what He has me doing. Seems so silly that I struggle with the same things every day and find no victory. Who's fault is it? His? Mine? Well I have to say mine because I do not see Him as He shows Himself. He is always there to pick me back up and show Himself once again. Amazing! absolutely amazing! If anyone ever says the Christian life is boring they are just plain lying!

Since I havent written anything in month I figured I would update on all the things going on. Todd and I are still looking for a house but have slowed down on it a little. In all honesty I am now content to stay here for now till told otherwise. :) Umm... I am now 33 weeks pregnant and feel ready to burst. I am so ready to be back to my normal self and meet this little child who makes my whole body do weird things. I have to go the doctor every 2 weeks as of right now and soon it will be every week. I get bigger and bigger every day!!!!!!!!! ummm... Todd got a raise and that is a super blessing! He works so hard for Tim and I am glad Tim appreciates him. Yesterday he worked from 8 till 6:30. Makes for a long day for him and a long day for me. ......Frisbee got 3 shots the other day and still is acting a little weird from it. He is becoming ultra protective of me these days. :)......We made it through the hurricane just fine. All we had was some branches down. Praise the Lord nothing hit the trailer. ...... I am sorry I couldnt make it to Momma's wedding. I wanted to come but being pregnant and all it would not have been possible. I am carrying really low and my back hurts so much. Being in the car that long would have been pure torture. :( But the pictures I have seen are awesome. Momma looks beautiful!

Ok well I better get some things done around here. :) Miss you all!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

On top of things :)

I havent written in a while so I thought I would take the time today. I can only stand up or sit down for so long because my back starts to really hurt. So I just finished up dinner and dishes and needed to sit and couldnt think of a better time to write. :) Today has been filled with few adventures. I was able to get some extra sleep this morning so that was nice. I decided that I should cut at least some of the grass today. I braved the heat and accomplished quite a bit. Regular chores had to be done too so I did those.
UMM... we have VBS this week and I am helping with crafts. Leaving the house in about 30 minutes or so to go to church to put together the hats they made last night. Todd gets off a little early today because he is helping pastor on the bus and I wasnt sure what to do about dinner. I didnt know if I would be back in time to make him any so I went ahead and made it all and separated it on plates and stuck them in the fridge. That way whenever we get to eat it is ready. :) Tonight the kids are going to finish the hats and maybe do one other small craft. We had 33 last night come. Our neighborhood bus was full to the max and the other bus had 9 on it. Hopefully we will get more tonight. I dont know how we will fit them in the tiny rooms we have but it is fun to see how it all works out. We had 15 kids ranging from 13 to 18. They seemed to have just as much fun as the little guys.
Todd painted the baby's room yesterday. He also put the wall up between the bathroom and the bedroom. Sometimes I thought it would never get done, but it looks great. I will take a picture as soon as he does the trim work on the painting. I am not allowed to paint because there is no way to have air flow in that room. The window has an air-conditioner in it. The pink color is a little brighter than expected but super cute anyways. :) Looking forward to the finishing product.
Since I couldnt help Todd paint I decided to make him something special. Completely homemade chocolate cream puffs. They were super awesome!!!! He seemed to really enjoy the treat since I dont make him stuff like that all the time. Reason being I would eat most of it before he got home from work and then I would gain a 1000 pounds!!!!!!! haha!
Well I guess I better go for now. Oh the doctor said the baby is doing great and that I dont have diabetes. My arms are still bruised from all the blood work they had to do, but I will take bruising any day than to have to stick a needle in my leg. :)