Sandy sparked in an interest in me to study Proverbs and find out what God says about helping my children to want to do the right. I am finding that is helping me to want to do the right things. I wanted to post some of what I have been finding. I hope that this is helpful to someone. :)
Proverbs 1:1-4
Why do we have the Proverbs?
1. to know wisdom
2. to know instruction (disciplining, correction, chastening)
3. to understand the words of understanding
4. to receive the instruction of wisdom
5. to receive the instruction of justice or righteous
6. to receive the instruction of judgment
7. to receive the instruction of equity (evenness, straightness, uprightness)
8. to give subtilty (prudence- acting with or showing care for the future) to the simple (foolish)
9. to give knowledge to the young man
10. to give discretion (purpose) to the young man
Note their is a lot more to receive and understand before we can give. We need to filled with the Word of God and then He will flow it through us. :)
Proverbs 1:5-6
A wise man will
1. obey
2. increase in learning (add insight)
And a man of understanding (someone who thinks ahead in a Godly manner)
1. will attain unto wise guidance
Why look for Godly council?
a. to understand a proverb and the interpretation
b. to understand the words of the wise and their riddles (perplexing sayings or questions)
We need this book for our learning. I had never thought about Proverbs too much other than reading a chapter a day and getting a few things here and there. I know this may be silly but I had no idea it actually had structure to it.
If I am to expect my children to obey then I need to obey. If I want them to look for Godly council about things that will happen in their lives than I need to have Godly council as well. Who I choose to hang around and receive council will greatly affect my children. There is council in the Word of God alone. Any person I may go to better show me the Bible otherwise the council is of man and not God. I want to be a wise and Godly woman. So much to learn. (I will post more later.)