Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Well yesterday i was really sicky!! I was up at 2 and couldnt sleep because of puking and diarrhea (fun stuff). This continued till about 12 in the afternoon or so. I thought it was a combination of morning sickness and a virus. I went to the doctor and of course they were no help really. I had to go though so I could get proof I was pregnant. We then went to the health department to apply for medicade for me. They said we made too much in January but we are going to try again on this months pay checks. (Pray that the Lord would have His way in that.) We then came home and I slept the rest of the afternoon and missed Greek class.
Todd was feeling ok this morning but came home sick this afternoon with the same thing I had. So I am glad to know that it was all a virus and I didnt take it to work. I am still feeling sicky but Im guessing that is normal with being pregnant. Please just keep us in your prayers.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

baby news

I dont have much time to write but i am very thankful for how good God is!! I found out two days ago that I am pregnant again. :) Pray for my body that if it is the Lord's will the baby will make it this time. :)