Thursday, January 19, 2012

God is Good!!

Since my last post......

We did not get the house we were looking, but God knows the right one for us. We will just keep looking! I got a tutoring job to help pay my way to Wisconsin!! That was a definite answer to prayer. :)
The Lord helped me read all the way through Deuteronomy and now I am in Joshua. :) One thing I notice the most right now is how Holy God is. He wanted the children of Israel to see it and fear Him, love Him, and obey Him. God also wants me to do the same. He has shown and is showing Himself mighty all around us and through His Word. Our God is amazing!!
Christiana is now 3 months old and doing very well. Sleeping through the night for the most part and Im sure loving it. :) She smiles and giggles and makes all kinds of noises now. She is a joy to have around.
Well not much else going on so that will be the end of my post this time. Hope all is well with everybody.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

An update!

Well I do hope all of you are doing well! We are doing great! We put in another offer on a house. I am super excited to see if we get it or not. Many people have put an offer on it so we will see if they like ours the best. :) If not we will keep on looking.

My reading is going well. I will finish Exodus today and move on into Leviticus. Leviticus and Deuteronomy are the 2 hardest books for me cuz I dont understand most of it. I am hoping and praying the Lord helps through them and shows me Christ through them. I recommend for you to try reading the Bible like this if you have interest in reading all the way through. I am really enjoying it!

Today is a pjs day! Christiana is taking a nap and I am in the middle of making a rug! I will put pics up when I finish it. I was thinking about making a ton of them and selling them at this years craft show, but we will see how that goes. I get all these ideas in my head and then I get bored. haha!

Oh I am going to Wisconsin next month!!! My new nephew will arrive sometime around Feb. 5th and I am going up there on the 21st! I am super super excited to see my brother Paul, his wife Valerie, Charlie, and the newest Henry......woooooohooooooo!!!! I bought my ticket already but I would like to pay the money back into our account. Any idea on how I could make some moneys???? If you do please let me know cuz I would kind of like a part time job that I can do at home.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Christmas and New years

So we had great Christmas. My brother Micah was able to come and this is his alvin that he got. :)
Christiana did great with all the noise and excitement of the family! She was enjoying just hanging out with dad.
She likes her play mat that she got. It's nice to have a place to put her down to play. A blanket wasn't nearly as interesting.
This was before Christmas, but she was having fun. :) She would much rather have no clothes on and hanging out in her diaper. haha!
On New years eve we went to my brother, Jacob's church. He got to preach that night and it was really good. I am so glad God is working in him and Shera (my sister-n-law).
We are ready for a new year! Todd and I are going to read through the Bible in 3 months. I have tried the year thing and it never works but I heard that if I read 16 pages a day I can read through my Bible in 3 months! I am super excited to read straight through and God has been working on me about being in His word reading and studying. Love it!! This is going to be a great year!