Thursday, November 14, 2013

Having fun!

Homemade playdough!!!

That's right, Christiana got a Mercedes Benz for her birthday! Don't worry we're not rich, her meme got for her (of course it was on clearance!) 

Well this picture looks slightly creepy, but they were having fun on the hay ride at our fall festival at church. Todd's forehead says "Todd loves Leah". And Joseph has a cross painted on him and Christiana had a flower.

Joseph usually looks at me like I'm crazy :)

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

What we have been up to

Lap books! I just started this with Christiana and we had a lot of fun. She knows her alphabet and her sounds but this is to help reinforce it all. We are going to do all the letters! I'm hoping to help her learn her colors too (since she is struggling with those). 

Todd took a day off so we went to the zoo!!! Christiana would go everywhere with daddy if she could. :)

Joseph loves being outside!! Look at those chunky legs!!! 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Sorry took me so long

My house!!
Living room
Other side of living room
Fireplace in living room
Den ( messy as usual)
Other side of den
Our backyard
Making baby food!!
Kids are getting soooo big!!!

Friday, June 28, 2013

exercising body and mind

I enjoy exercising my body, but until staying at this house I didn't understand the importance for me. A couple days ago I found myself very frustrated and not really knowing the reason. I thought maybe it is hormones or lack of sleep. Which I guess both can still be a factor. I hate being yelled at and yelling at others. I was getting to the point that I felt myself letting go and getting so angry over the silliest things. It was so confusing because I had no real reason to be mad at anyone. It has been robbing me of joy and peace. All that said I think I need to exercise regularly. Being with kids all day long and not having much adult conversation is making me slightly crazy. Todd is working long hours right now and doing extra things at church and I do not get to see him very much. I am hoping that exercising my body will allow the excess energy I have to be used wisely. Instead of using my energy on my frustration, I will get up early and go for a run. During nap time I will lift weights and do exercises inside. Plus spend time using my brain. I will read the Word and journal or get on my blog. Please pray for me as this whole process is not easy for me. I want to be a Godly mom and wife. I dont want to be quick to anger. Prov. 16:32. :)

Friday, June 14, 2013

Life isn't always happening the way I plan

Everyday that I have my life planned and scheduled something else always comes up and changes it. I would like to believe that I am ok with change, but if I am truly honest I do not think I am. I like everything written down and in order. When it is not I feel I have no control and I do not like that feeling. But isn't that where God wants us? To the place where we have no control so we must give it to Him. The past couple of weeks I have had no control of life, and yes, it has been driving me crazy!!! In each situation God is showing me that I need to trust a little bit more.

Concerning my unspoken request:
God gave us a definite no! I am so thankful that He knows what He is doing. Now that I see the full picture I understand why He said no. :) I'm sorry, but I do not feel that I should explain the situation.

Concerning house sitting/ babysitting:
     It has been crazy!!!!! Owen is 2 and he is overall a great kid! Only problem is Christiana thinks she rules the earth and he has to listen and obey her. haha! So yea she has been learning the world doesnt revolve around her. Been tough though because I am the one teaching her. :) She is so much like me that I see my own sin when I watch how she reacts and does things.
    I have been attempting to potty train the both of them while I am here for the month. Not going so good. It was at first but now they have both decided to hide and go when I am not looking. I am taking them every 30 minutes and giving stickers when they do it. If you have any ideas that would help me out let me know. It is very overwhelming.
    Christiana has not been sleeping good and I am sooooo very tired. Past 3 nights she has been getting up screaming. I love sleeping and to have a kid that doesnt is very interesting. Please pray for me on this because with my lack of sleep I am very grumpy and have a hard time just making it through the day.

New House:
Everything is going good so far on this. I am very ready to get in and get us back in a regular, stable environment. 3 more weeks!!!!!!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Our Newest Adventures!

Can't believe Joseph is 2 months old already!! He is cooing and smiling so big! Love this stage. :)

 My nieces are seeming to enjoy living here with us. Lots of room outside to play in the court and our swing set is a bonus for sure. Inside room is very limited but we are making it work. :) My dad enjoys spending time with all of them.

Christiana thinks she is awesome!!!!! 

We will be house sitting the entire month of June through July 6th. This will be an adventure for sure!! I will be babysitting a 3 year old while I am there. The awesome thing about this house is they have a pool!!!! We are going to have a blast being there and I will love the space to run around and play (for me and the kids of course). 

By the 28th June we should be closed on our house!!!!! Woohooooooo I am so excited to get into our new place. Yes that is right I do believe we are finally moving! It will be an interesting change since we will be in Elizabeth City, NC. I have never moved before (besides across the street and I dont think that counts). This will place us about 25 minutes from my parents and 45 minutes from Virginia. I will post pics of our house when we get into it. 

We might possibly have another awesome adventure soon but I am not allowed to let it be known yet. PLEASE just pray for us on this unspoken one. God knows what will happen with it and we will just have to wait and see what HE does. 

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Proverbs 1:1-6

Sandy sparked in an interest in me to study Proverbs and find out what God says about helping my children to want to do the right. I am finding that is helping me to want to do the right things. I wanted to post some of what I have been finding. I hope that this is helpful to someone. :)

Proverbs 1:1-4
Why do we have the Proverbs?
1. to know wisdom
2. to know instruction (disciplining, correction, chastening)
3. to understand the words of understanding
4. to receive the instruction of wisdom
5. to receive the instruction of justice or righteous
6. to receive the instruction of judgment
7. to receive the instruction of equity (evenness, straightness, uprightness)
8. to give subtilty (prudence- acting with or showing care for the future) to the simple (foolish)
9. to give knowledge to the young man
10. to give discretion (purpose) to the young man

Note their is a lot more to receive and understand before we can give. We need to filled with the Word of God and then He will flow it through us. :)

Proverbs 1:5-6
A wise man will
1. obey
2. increase in learning (add insight)

And a man of understanding (someone who thinks ahead in a Godly manner)
1. will attain unto wise guidance
     Why look for Godly council?
           a. to understand a proverb and the interpretation
           b. to understand the words of the wise and their riddles (perplexing sayings or questions)

We need this book for our learning. I had never thought about Proverbs too much other than reading a chapter a day and getting a few things here and there. I know this may be silly but I had no idea it actually had structure to it.

If I am to expect my children to obey then I need to obey. If I want them to look for Godly council about things that will happen in their lives than I need to have Godly council as well. Who I choose to hang around and receive council will greatly affect my children. There is council in the Word of God alone. Any person I may go to better show me the Bible otherwise the council is of man and not God. I want to be a wise and Godly woman. So much to learn. (I will post more later.)

Friday, April 26, 2013


I have been trying to get on here for a week now and just havent been able too! Seems like one kid is always in need these days. :) I like being needed! Ok so please pray for Joseph this week. Took him today to the doctor and he has really bad conjestion in his lungs. I knew something was up but didnt know it had gone that far. Last night he was up most of the night due to gas or not being able to breathe well. The doctor was very concerned because Joseph has started running a fever as well. UGH!! Christiana was very healthy as a baby so this is all new to me. Just please pray the medicine works so he doesn't end up at the hospital. :(

We have been searching diligently for a house since I last posted. So far we put an offer on one and got rejected, and yesterday we put another offer on a different house and are waiting to hear back. The one we are trying to get right now is exactly the location we want if we are to live in Chesapeake, VA. We shall just have to wait and see what God has for us. We will not be excited about the possibilities because we have done that too many times and it is so hard to be patient. Once the loan goes through, reality of getting a house will settle in.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

If everyone prays

Hey there my peeps!!

I was thinking the other day that I need to get more people involved in praying for something. As most of you know we have been looking for a house for quite some time now. Of course with absolutely no success. Everytime that something looks so good and I get my hopes up, it falls through. I know without a doubt God has something for us but I have no idea what or where. So I am asking for everyone to pray that God would lead us to the right one.

My husbands sister and 2 kids moved in with us about 3 weeks ago. They took our bedroom and Todd and I moved into the living room. She is going to buy the trailer from us as soon as we find a place of our own. So now that we are in tight quarters I am feeling more desperate to get out. They are fine to live with it's just the space is limited. Both of her kids are under 5 so there is tons of energy around here. :)

Anyway please pray with us as we are seeking God's will in the next step.

Friday, March 29, 2013

My kiddos!!!

 Our handsome little boy!!! He is so different than Christiana was as a baby. He is very content to just hang out and watch us play. A great eater and sleeper!! :) Makes my life a lot easier.
 Christiana is a fun 1 year old who loves to squeal and make as much noise as possible! I wouldnt have it any other way.
 Always wants to give kisses to her new little brother.

My handsome man with our 2 kiddos. I love them so very much. :)

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Joseph Eugene Ackley has arrived.

I will post pictures as soon as I can, but I wanted to let you guys know that he is here. :) It was a hard labor but a quick one. Went in to be induced on friday March 22 at 6:15 a.m. At 9 they started the process and around noon broke my water. By 1:44 p.m. Joseph arrived. He weighed 7lbs 11oz and was 19 1/2 in long. :)

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Happy New Year!!! (a little late)

Wow!!! Time never seems to slow down. I thought for sure I had posted in December, but I guess I did not. God was very good to us in the year 2012. Learning to wait on Him and trust in Him was definitely worked on and we are looking forward to going further with Christ in 2013.

I was reading my friends blog yesterday and she always has a funny story to tell. I am not sure if funny things happen in my life and I forget them or I just don't pay attention to them. New years resolution is to pay attention to the funny stuff. Sometimes I believe I get so caught up in other things I do forget to enjoy the little things God puts in our lives to make us smile. :)

Something to look forward to this year is meeting our handsome little boy! I am 30 weeks along and almost ready to have this baby!! We are excited and nervous about having 2 little ones around. Since we are still in the trailer they will be sharing a room for a while. The Lord provided a good deal on a double stroller and an awesome deal on a car seat. I had to get rid of all the things I had for Christiana because they were pink. So now I have grey and black. Hopefully they will keep for a while and I will not have to buy any more.

Two kids in my church wanted to be a blessing to someone since they were so blessed for Christmas. There mom told them to pray about it and to give something away they had gotten. They both decided to give me there walmart gift cards. I just about cried!!! It was incredibly sweet to see their giving hearts. They told me to buy something for the new baby with them. :) Now that brings a smile on my face. God provides in so many different ways. He abundantly blesses when I do what He asks of me.

I don't know if I had mentioned it before, but I have started making tie quilts. I am in the midst of making one for my brother's baby. (who is to be born in the next week or so) I made 2 jean quilts for a lady's boys for Christmas. I enjoy doing them but I would like to learn more things. I really would like to learn to follow a pattern. I want to make some aprons and maybe even clothes if I can learn. If anybody has tips for me please let me know.

Well there are lots of things to get done around here so I best go for now. I will do my best to not let so much time go before my next post. :)