Wednesday, November 30, 2011

smiles and homemade bread!

Christiana is now six weeks old and is starting to recognize Todd and I. She has the cutest smile. :) In the morning when she sees me her eyes light up and there is a huge grin on her face. Sure does give me a boost in the early morning time.

I dont remember what I posted last time but I am back to walking 2 miles a day and soon very soon to start my wii fit. I have the wii and and wii fit board but not the game yet. I am super excited to be losing weight and get back down to where I was before being pregnant and losing more weight as well.

We ran out of bread yesterday so for the first time in about 6 months I made homemade bread. Wow did it smell good!! I didnt make it while being pregnant cuz I didnt want to be tempted to eat it all. Now I have a little more self control. :)

Concerning the house we have been looking at: we are sending the rest of the paperwork in today and see if they take our offer. I'm super excited yet super nervous. The house is only about 20 minutes from my parents. I will miss being across the street, for sure!

Well gots to go cuz the girly woke up. Pray she gets some good sleep today. She didnt take a nap yesterday at all and she is kinda grumpy but wont sleep.

Friday, November 11, 2011

The adventures of the Ackleys!

Been a while since I have written anything! Usually is though I guess.... Well so much going on around here the past 3 weeks. Christiana was born on Oct. 17th weighing 7lbs 10oz and 21 1/2 in. long. I was induced so they that it is harder labor, but I made it through. :) Only 7 hours of labor total (praise the LORD). OH and no meds!!!!!
Our little princess is doing quite well I think. She is a little colicky but we are doing ok with that. When she was born she had jaundice pretty bad so we had to go to the doctor almost every day the 1st week she was born. That was very tiring on all of us. She is doing fine with that now though.
I absolutely love having her here with me all day. Being a mommy is amazing and awesome!!!

Christiana Joy Ackley

our baby girl!!!!

Friday, September 16, 2011

puppy and baby

Well the end is getting nearer and nearer! Finished up Childbirth classes and going to the doc every week. Baby shower is tomorrow and looking forward to it. Although I do hate being the center of attention cuz I turn all red and get embarrassed super easy. :) Next week will be spent washing her clothes and putting everything in its place. I love doing that kind of stuff.

On monday I got a new puppy on trial basis. I didnt know if I could handle 2 puppies and a baby. Well Frisbee is a year now and he does pretty good with everything. On the other hand this little pup is a chewer and biter, but that is because he has no idea why he cant do them. So this week we have been working with him very hard. I have to keep my eye on him otherwise he will chew anything and everything but he is a super cuddly dog and I have decided to take the challenge and keep him. The main reason for keeping him is for frisbee. I want him to have someone to play with when I am busy with the baby. They get along great and play together all the time. Oh the new pups name is Kuw (greek name). Pronounced Kuo. He is super intelligent and has already learned what to do when he needs to go outside (we have a bell hung on the door for the dogs to ring.) He is still messing up some but he is getting the hang of it. He knows sit, lay down, and roll over. He is learning stay right now. Oh and he is only 6 weeks old so that is pretty good. :) Working with him is making the time go by faster too. Sometimes it feels like this pregnancy is never going to end.

Well that is all I have for now.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

So many lessons to be learned

Every day is another adventure as a child of God. Some days I fail so miserably the things that come into my life and other days there is great victory. God wants to teach me but I have to be willing to obey when He shows me something. We teach obedience and talk of it but actually doing it when confronted is a whole other story. Yesterday not so good, but today is another day!

Since today is the 31st I read Prov. 31 once again. Just reading it convicts the soul. The character that this chapter displays is a Godly woman who obeys God and does the things that are expected of her. The biggest thing I notice though is she does not complain but rather seems to enjoy the tasks that God has given her. When I finally learn to fear the Lord as He would have me to, I know that I will be content doing what He has me doing. Seems so silly that I struggle with the same things every day and find no victory. Who's fault is it? His? Mine? Well I have to say mine because I do not see Him as He shows Himself. He is always there to pick me back up and show Himself once again. Amazing! absolutely amazing! If anyone ever says the Christian life is boring they are just plain lying!

Since I havent written anything in month I figured I would update on all the things going on. Todd and I are still looking for a house but have slowed down on it a little. In all honesty I am now content to stay here for now till told otherwise. :) Umm... I am now 33 weeks pregnant and feel ready to burst. I am so ready to be back to my normal self and meet this little child who makes my whole body do weird things. I have to go the doctor every 2 weeks as of right now and soon it will be every week. I get bigger and bigger every day!!!!!!!!! ummm... Todd got a raise and that is a super blessing! He works so hard for Tim and I am glad Tim appreciates him. Yesterday he worked from 8 till 6:30. Makes for a long day for him and a long day for me. ......Frisbee got 3 shots the other day and still is acting a little weird from it. He is becoming ultra protective of me these days. :)......We made it through the hurricane just fine. All we had was some branches down. Praise the Lord nothing hit the trailer. ...... I am sorry I couldnt make it to Momma's wedding. I wanted to come but being pregnant and all it would not have been possible. I am carrying really low and my back hurts so much. Being in the car that long would have been pure torture. :( But the pictures I have seen are awesome. Momma looks beautiful!

Ok well I better get some things done around here. :) Miss you all!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

On top of things :)

I havent written in a while so I thought I would take the time today. I can only stand up or sit down for so long because my back starts to really hurt. So I just finished up dinner and dishes and needed to sit and couldnt think of a better time to write. :) Today has been filled with few adventures. I was able to get some extra sleep this morning so that was nice. I decided that I should cut at least some of the grass today. I braved the heat and accomplished quite a bit. Regular chores had to be done too so I did those.
UMM... we have VBS this week and I am helping with crafts. Leaving the house in about 30 minutes or so to go to church to put together the hats they made last night. Todd gets off a little early today because he is helping pastor on the bus and I wasnt sure what to do about dinner. I didnt know if I would be back in time to make him any so I went ahead and made it all and separated it on plates and stuck them in the fridge. That way whenever we get to eat it is ready. :) Tonight the kids are going to finish the hats and maybe do one other small craft. We had 33 last night come. Our neighborhood bus was full to the max and the other bus had 9 on it. Hopefully we will get more tonight. I dont know how we will fit them in the tiny rooms we have but it is fun to see how it all works out. We had 15 kids ranging from 13 to 18. They seemed to have just as much fun as the little guys.
Todd painted the baby's room yesterday. He also put the wall up between the bathroom and the bedroom. Sometimes I thought it would never get done, but it looks great. I will take a picture as soon as he does the trim work on the painting. I am not allowed to paint because there is no way to have air flow in that room. The window has an air-conditioner in it. The pink color is a little brighter than expected but super cute anyways. :) Looking forward to the finishing product.
Since I couldnt help Todd paint I decided to make him something special. Completely homemade chocolate cream puffs. They were super awesome!!!! He seemed to really enjoy the treat since I dont make him stuff like that all the time. Reason being I would eat most of it before he got home from work and then I would gain a 1000 pounds!!!!!!! haha!
Well I guess I better go for now. Oh the doctor said the baby is doing great and that I dont have diabetes. My arms are still bruised from all the blood work they had to do, but I will take bruising any day than to have to stick a needle in my leg. :)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Bored out of my mind!!!

Today is one of those days that I was wish i was still working. I am so incredibly bored. I am sure there are tons of things to do but nothing sounds fun or appealing to me at the moment. So maybe i am bored by choice?? hmmm...... yeah probably. :)
Our yard sale went good but I still ended up with things in my house that are worth more money than giving it to a thrift store. I pray I can sell this crazy stuff. Mom went with me to the yard sale and she made a little money off some of her stuff too. I made around 75 dollars or so off all the small stuff that we had. :) Plus Todd decided to take my dad's old washer and dryer and our old washer and some other metal and scrap them so we made a little more money. Super exciting. Seems like every penny helps these days.
Sheila Iman (my friend since we was babies) is in town for only a couple of weeks. We got to hang out the other day but Im hoping we can hang out some more. Whenever she is here we usually do some sewing and I am going to try to that with her once again. I have a pattern that I bought for the baby and i want to try it. Oh I actually did my regular fixing sewing today. I had quite a few things that needed mending so I did those. Yeah I did do something today!!!

Friday, July 15, 2011

This is the baby's room

Bathroom done!!!

Yard Sale!!!!

We took everything to my grandmas last night to be ready for the yard sale Saturday. I am so excited to have my living room back and to sell some stuff. :) We also sold the couch that was in the baby's room so I can start to decorate. (I cant remember if I said that before.) (by the way if I say the same things a million times I blame my lack of memory at the moment. I have never been so forgetful ever!!!) Anyway I am going to go look for some paint today. Light pink! I want to stencil too but I cant find any stencils so I havent decided on what to do about that yet. The theme is giraffes and other zoo animals. Giraffes being the focus. She already has a giraffe rocking horse thing and a stuffed animal giraffe.
The only thing I do not know what to do with is the instruments. Todd has a guitar, 2 banjos, a mandolin, saxophone, and I have a guitar, a dobro, and a flute. Lets just say they take up a lot of space. :)
oh I went on a mile walk this morning! I have gained quite a bit of weight and I want the baby to take some of my weight so I am going to be careful what I eat for the next 3 months. I am going to go get some salad stuff today and healthier foods. I am not allowed to diet but I do want to eat better at least.
Well I have a busy day ahead so I best get to it. Have a fantastic day!!!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Frisbee and his new toy

Today is a relaxing day :) We are having camp meeting all week and it is full of late nights, good preaching, and wonderful fellowship. I dont know if its from sitting or not enough water but my legs are cramping something aweful so I am going to take it easy today and drink lots and lots of water. :) I have still have things to do today though. The main one is cleaning the house. It is amazing how bad it gets over the weekend.
The point of the title is to tell you that my dog has an obsession. He got a free toy in his dog food bag and is absolutely in love with it. I dont know why. He wants to play with nothing else. If you hide it he searches for it. All it is a ball that squeaks when he bites it. My dog is crazy!!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

To move or not to move

So we have been looking to buying a place and it is all kinda freaking me out. Our trailer is in ok condition but I am having a lot trouble lately with my sinuses due to the window air conditioners. I am very thankful for them though and I would rather have AC than none. We have a lot of things we are concerned about if we stay here though. Our heating situation is the biggest issue. We use a wood stove and heats the living room and the kitchen pretty good but the 2 bedrooms dont get much. I am concerned about how the baby will do with it all. I know though that we will figure it out if we stay here, but in my mind I freak out.
I have decided to go ahead and decorate the baby's room even if I dont know that we will still be here when the baby is born. If I just sit here and wonder I will overly stress myself out! We have completed the bathroom and I will post pics if I ever find my camera cord. Todd will put the wall up in the bedroom when he knows there are no leaks. I have many ideas running through my head of how I want the room to look. Thinking about painting it a light pink and doing some stenciling on the walls. The dresser and the book shelf we have needs to be refinished. Our friends gave us a crib they used for their kids. We were very thankful for that. I am in the midst of selling the couch that is sitting in the room. I have no place for it so I posted it on Craigslist.
While cleaning out things I found quite a bit to yard sale. My pile is getting quite large in my living room. :) I plan on having the yard sale in about 2 weeks. Im making some earrings so i might try to sell them too.
So yeah that is what is going on in my life at the moment. The Lord is really helping me to not stress as much. Spending time with Him everyday really helps. :)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

duties of a wife #2

Well I wanted to give a short update of how I am doing on the not wasting time aspect of my life. Yesterday was tuff cuz I didnt feel good but I did manage to get my house clean and make some earrings. :) Today I am doing much better. I got up at 7:15 and made some coffee. I help Todd fix his lunch and then sat down to enjoy the Word and drink my coffee. I then proceeded to go outside and water the garden and pick the first tomato that has not rotten on the inside :). Then I decided that the grass really needed to be cut so I did that. I am now sitting, drinking some water, and taking a small break. So far so good on the day. God is GOOD!!!!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The duties of a wife

I am in the midst of ironing and decided to stop and eat. Pot roast and carrots from last nights dinner. :) I was thinking about the things for me to do here at the house. I find myself wasting a lot of time while I am home all day by myself. Please pray for me as I have many things that need to be done. I get tired easy because of the pregnancy but I dont want to use it as an excuse for not keeping up with the laundry and the other household chores. I do not feel it is fair for my husband to work all day and then I did nothing at home to make it comfortable for him. Dont get me wrong Todd never complains and he is truly wonderful with me over my failures. So today my goals are finishing the laundry and ironing and washing my car inside and out. If there is time I will do some sewing. :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I am waiting for some bread to cook and I decided to sit and write a little. My feet have been bothering me so I thought I might as well do something while sitting. :) Oh and I think I broke my toe or severely bruised it. I keep running into stuff like chairs and do you miss those things. haha! I certainly hope I am not the only one who does this and if I am than I like being unique even if it is painful. :)

Todd and I went and saw a house yesterday. It had a lot great features to it but I think it had a moisture problem and there is no central heating system. I am really hoping for central air and heat. Had 4 bedrooms though and an awesome kitchen but no shed for Todd. Todd wants a shed and I want an awesome kitchen. We are going to see another place on Friday. It looks good in the picture but you never know till you see it. We are just waiting on the Lord with it all. It is not pressing to get a place right away but we would like our own land.

I started a new scrapbooking album yesterday. I might work on it more today if I cant stand on my feet to get the other things I want to get done. I already started the baby album :) Pictures are fun :)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

WE are having a little girl :) Her name is Christiana Joy Ackley and I think she is the most beautiful baby in the world.

Monday, June 6, 2011

finding out gender of baby today!

Hey hey!!!! I am resting a little before heading to the doctor! I get to find out what gender the baby is and I am super excited bout it. :)

I am going to have a yard sale sooooooon, I hope. I want to sell a few things that I never use and are just taking up space. My grandma and mom want to join in so we should have a good amount of junk :).

I took frisbee for a bike ride this morning. He had to run to keep up and it exhausted him. His tongue was all hanging out the side of his mouth and he was freaked out by the bike. My dog is soooo interesting. :)

Oh Todd said something last night that made me laugh really hard. i was trying to talk to him and he said he couldnt hear cuz of the fan in his ear. :) hahhahaha! I finally got paid back for all the times I couldnt hear anything Momma Davis was saying :)

And Davis if you didnt see my post on your wall I need your email address. Thanks :)

Well love you guys and hope you have a wonderful day!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

as usual im sorry for not posting

We had some computer issues and both of them broke :) Todd decided to buy us a Mac computer which I was totally happy about. Our only way to access the world is through the computer. We do not have a tv so to find out weather or check email we really needed a computer. I havent had a chance to get back on blogger, but this morning there was opportunity. :)

Reading in Psalm 40 this morning and the Lord showed me something I had never seen before. Praise to my God and a new song in my mouth will lead people to fear the Lord and trust in Him! Wow that is awesome but then I thought how? From continuing reading in the chapter there is an emphasis on Godly living. Without the life your praise is in vain. The praise and song are simply an outworking of the Godly life being lived. We cant help but praise and sing and people will notice us! Also when we are in love with the Lord we will say continually "the Lord be magnified"! A very good chapter and worth the reading! But aren't they all? :)

Todd and I are seeking the Lord on buying our own place. We pay rent now and would love to get some place that eventually we wouldnt have to pay anymore. We are meeting with the realtor on Thursday to find out more info on a doublewide on almost an acre of land that we found. We have already gone to see and were supposed to put an offer on it yesterday when the lady helping us found out the house is up for auction. So she is getting all the paperwork and we will see how this works. Just pray for the Lord's leading. It is in Elizabeth City, NC which would make us 30 minutes from the border of VA.

I finish work this week!!! Pray for me as I will be home and trying to keep myself occupied. I do not want to drive anywhere due to gas prices, but sometimes staying home is really hard. I have no social life. I miss all guys you who are so far from me. Sometimes I wish I was your neighbor so we could hang out by just walking across the street. :)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Good day or evening or whatever

Hello to all my peeps out there! April is flying by and soon will be gone. I am enjoying the wonderful spring weather and all the nice enjoyable walks with the frisbo! I planted my garden Saturday and looking forward to the wonderful veggies we will get from it. (tomatoes, cucumbers, bell pepper, carrots, peas, green beans, squash, and zuchinni)
Camp meeting is coming up super fast! 2 months away and I am excited about it already! Bugs, songs, preaching, tents, sweat, and lots of good fellowship makes for a good meeting. :) Please pray for our church as we prepare.
College is done!!!!!!!! Well for this semester anyway. I do not know how I did in my classes but I will try to remember to let you know.
Doctors appointment tomorrow and hopefully to schedule the ultrasound to find out whether a girl or a boy. I am 14 weeks on Tuesday and may be finally getting over this sickness, but every time I say that I puke again. Oh well it is all part of it.
Well I am going to bed even though it is only 9. I am super tired and I didnt have a nap today. Good night :)

Monday, April 4, 2011

Due Date

My official due date is Oct. 18th. I am excited to see the little one inside of me that makes me vomit. :) I had my 1st ultrasound and that was pretty awesome! I am 12 weeks now and the baby is doin great.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Wow!!! IT has been a while. Sorry :)

I didnt realize that I had gone this long without posting. Crazy of me for sure! Things are going good here. I will be 11 weeks along on Tuesday and the baby is doing great so far. I have been having a lot of all day sickness (not sure why they still call it morning sickness). I found a fantastic doctor and I got accepted for medicaid! My house is super messy because I dont ever have the energy to clean it so if you want to come help me feel free. :) hmmmm what else is going on..... I am learning to play the dobro. They want me to play at camp meeting this year but im not sure how that is going to work out since I will be 6 months pregnant. :/ OH I was all excited about spring being here and it was 70 degrees and everything was great and now it is back in the 40s and that makes me a little sad. :(
You can pray that the Lord keeps helping me make it through work and school. I am almost done with semester and the rest of my schooling will be on hold till after the baby is born. I still want to finish but it will take time. I will finish this year of school for work but I will not continue again in August. I am going to enjoy being able to stay home and do wifey things again and getting ready for the baby.
Todd is doing great and working lots. His job is good and secure so I am thankful for that. Well keep us in your prayers.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Well yesterday i was really sicky!! I was up at 2 and couldnt sleep because of puking and diarrhea (fun stuff). This continued till about 12 in the afternoon or so. I thought it was a combination of morning sickness and a virus. I went to the doctor and of course they were no help really. I had to go though so I could get proof I was pregnant. We then went to the health department to apply for medicade for me. They said we made too much in January but we are going to try again on this months pay checks. (Pray that the Lord would have His way in that.) We then came home and I slept the rest of the afternoon and missed Greek class.
Todd was feeling ok this morning but came home sick this afternoon with the same thing I had. So I am glad to know that it was all a virus and I didnt take it to work. I am still feeling sicky but Im guessing that is normal with being pregnant. Please just keep us in your prayers.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

baby news

I dont have much time to write but i am very thankful for how good God is!! I found out two days ago that I am pregnant again. :) Pray for my body that if it is the Lord's will the baby will make it this time. :)

Friday, January 28, 2011

What a day

Busy Busy Busy!!!!!!!!!!!!! Life can get so hectic sometimes and it is so nice just to sit and relax even though there are millions of things that could be done. :) I watched an autism movie that just about made me cry. It was very touching!

Todd and I will be in Reno, NV from the 1st till the 9th so I will not be on the internet during those times. Anna these pics are for you :)

Thursday, January 20, 2011


I finally got up this morning, but I really needed the sleep. For now the headache that I have been dealing with is gone and I am able to enjoy my morning. :) Very thankful for that. My grandaddy just called and I will be going to lunch with him in an hour and half. I have seen him since Christmas so I am looking forward to the time with him.
I am reading in Amos 6 this morning. I came across a very striking verse, but first I need to help this by actually typing up the verses.
1* Woe to them that are at ease in Zion, and trust i nthe mountain of Samaria,
which are named chief of the nations, to whom the house of Israel came!
2* Pass ye unto Calneh, and see; and from thence go ye to Hamath the great:
then go down to Gath of the philistines: be they better than these kingdoms?
or their border greater than your border?
3* Ye that put far away the evil day, and cause the seat of violence to come near:
4* That lie upon bed of ivory, and stretch themselves upon their couches, and eat
the lambs out of their flock, and the calves out of the midst of the stall;
5* That chant to the sound of the viol, and invent to themselves instruments of
musick, like David;
6* That drink wine in bowls, and anoint themselves with the chief ointments but they are not grieved for the affliction of Joseph.

sorry the last verse wouldn't cooporate. But what I see here is a lack of care for the children of God or even the unsaved around us. I am not grieved as I should be with the things going on around me. I have all my needs met and im living good but yet no concern and no grief. Oh how I need to get back to praying with a heavy heart. so many are in affliction around us, can you see them? Are we praying for them? do we expect God to answer our prayers for them? Or are we just praying to make ourselves feel better. HMMMMMMMMMMMM............ This really hits the spot this morning.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


ok so its been a day over 2 weeks of our diet! I have only cheated once!! :) I couldnt help myself, but Todd has not cheated and doing great with it. Tonight I drink mint tea with honey in it. It is making me sleepy.
This morning I missed church due to a headache, but I was thankful to go tonight. We have been going through the book of Psalm and I like it. :) So many wonderful truths that you could a billion and one other songs from it. What I got out of the sermon tonight was about prayer. You can pray and pray for God to do something great in your church or elsewhere, but I need to praying that He would show up in my quiet time with Him. We will never have revival unless something changes in our day to day walk with Him, but He is such a good and gracious God!
I dropped American Lit class and I decided to pick up a different one. Not a big fan of how the class was going or the thought and preparation time that was put into it. So I will take that class elsewhere. I am going to pick up the sequel to the one I took last semester. 2nd of Paul's epistles. Should be a good class but just need to make sure I study enough.
So yeah that is what is going on here. We will be going to Reno, NV Feb. 1-9!!! I am super excited about the trip to see my grandparents, skiing, and seeing Anna!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woot!!!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I only have a few minutes this morning due to going to class (American Lit), but I wanted to write something. I have been trying to get a fire started for about an hour and its been a no go. So I decided to just set everything up in the stove the best I could and lit the paper like I did a ton of times before. I didnt believe I would have a fire so I just bundled up and started reading my Bible. I prayed to my Father about the fire because the wood we have right now is hard to get a fire started, and I said I did everything I could but I need His power to get the fire nice and hot. I found it to be a silly prayer but I didnt mind praying it because I know He can answer if He chooses. Well with it not really in my mind I started reading in Hosea. I read Hosea 10 and then started in 11 and came to a part in 11:9 "for I am God, and not man." As soon as I read it I thought again about the fire and the temp was still cold, but I heard something going on in the stove and lo and behold some of the wood caught and the temp shot up to 300 degrees. I know that may seem crazy and silly but I thought about it some more. God can use us and start a fire so nice and hot that everyone can see us and feel us. We may think we arent worth much but to Him we are! Then I thought about the 2 little pieces of wood that I put in the stove that were better than all the rest. They catch easier and they burn better. They seemed so small though and insignificant but yet that is what was making the fire so hot. I ran outside and got some more of that kind of wood and put it in there. We sometimes only give God the old stuff and the things we dont care about much, but when we give Him the things we care about that is when the fire starts to really get going. God wants everything in our lives. My issue is money, but if I just give it to Him I know that I can burn brighter. Whats yours? Remember dont put God in your little box because you cant! He is not man, He is God! Burn brightly today!!!!!!!!

Friday, January 7, 2011

God is so Merciful!

Reading in Hosea this morning and I was just overwhelmed with God's mercy and goodness. Israel is running from Him and seems to want nothing to do with Him, but yet God will still take them back if they want to come back. "I will go and return to my place, till they acknowledge their offence, and seek my face: in their affliction they will seek me early" Hosea 5:15 God is so willing to heal us from our wickedness if we will let Him. Oh makes me consider the parts of me I dont want Him to touch :( Our hearts are so deceitful and desperately wicked who can know it? Hosea 7:2 "And they consider not in their hearts that I remember all their wickedness" We really dont get away with anything. Wow I stand rebuked.

So the past couple of days have been spent at home. I caught some kind of virus and have been ill since Wednesday. I was going to go back to work today but I was still feeling so weak and dizzy when I tried to walk around. One more day at home and then I hope to get out for a while. I just had my first real meal and it was very good. Chicken noodle soup that my dad brought over. It was good to put something in my stomach and hopefully keep it in there. :)

Todd and started a diet on the 1st of January. You would be surprised how much weight can be gained after being married for a little while. Since I am still having a headache issue, Todd wanted us to go off granulated sugar products (cakes, candies, pies, etc..) and no caffeine. So we will be done with our 1st week tomorrow. Todd has already lost 7lbs this week and I have lost 6lbs (thanks to not eating for 2 days). We are going to start picking up exercise this week hopefully. I am going to pull out the ab lounge and I am hoping to get an elliptical machine. Keep us in your prayers. To be at our healthy weight we both need to lose about 30lbs. We are going to do the diet for 6 weeks and see what happens.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Welcome to 2011! Amazing to think about! God has been good to leave us here this long.
Well I had some answers to prayer just yesterday! Todd and I would love to start saving some money and I have been really struggling just to keep us afloat. I prayed asked God to please let us start saving money some way and some how. Well he answered that prayer in a couple different ways: 1st I got offered a tuturing job 3 days a week after school (I was in amazement because that was 2 hrs after I prayed), Todd got interested in the budget and helped me figure it all out last night (I have been begging and I was so glad to see God answer and it had nothing to do with me), and God showed me He can provide by supplying us with a meal from Todd's mom that we had no idea about until she called us and said she was bringing chicken over. :) God really answered that prayer in all directions for me. He showed me that if I want to save money it is not going to be just handed to me I have to work for it (although He handed me the job), He showed me that Todd does care about the money situation and can be very helpful in it all, and God showed me that if He chooses to not let us save any money He can still provide our every need. :) God is Good!
2nd answered prayer: We were discussing getting a propane heater to have a second source of heat so we dont use up all the wood in the stove. Well I called the propane people we get propane from and the price has gone up exceedingly. We filled up our tank last yr for 2.89 a gal. and it has gone up 3.60 a gal. now. That is a pretty big jump and quite pricy to fill up the tank. I thought to myself and expressed that I didnt see why God couldnt just keep providing wood because He gave us the wood stove. I went and prayed and begged God to provide the wood when needed. Todd called up a guy that has a tree service and just lets the trees he cuts up sit there in his yard and rot away. The guy said we can get whatever we need!!!! Praise the LORD!!!! I may even get some much wanted mulch for my garden for free!!!! I have to say I was in a amazement and quite speechless because that was the second answered prayer in a day. I do not deserve His answers but because of Jesus Christ I am so glad He does. :)
I was told this the other day. We have mixed up theology if we think that God only blesses us when we are right and walking perfect. He chooses to bless and we have nothing in a sense to do with it. We think in our heads how much better we are than others if God has blessed us in some way. But what about the lost people that God seems to be blessing in a sense. This was a real eye opener to me. I have thought this way and I truelly am ignorant in many things. I just want to be thankful when God does choose to bless us! Oh may God be praised in my life today!!!!!