Hey there people who read my blog! Sorry I stopped posting every week, but things have been crazy round here! :)
1st off we had a huge answer to prayer .... Naomi is all clear by the doctors and she has one great kidney that is working just fine. A huge relief!
2ndly Todd and I are now teaching the teens at church. We both are enjoying it and we had our first activity the other day at a trampoline park. I wanted to start with something big because I wanted them to understand that we are real people and thoroughly enjoy some of the same things they do. Todd impressed them with a double front flip! Haha but yea he pulled a muscle! I only laughed a little cuz he forgets he is not a teenager... He turns 30 next month!!
Hard to get good pics when they are moving :)
Pray for us as we plan our next activity that we will put the time and effort into it because these guys are worth it.
3rdly what we have been up to at home..
Dirt!!!! Kids think it's a mountain just for them, but truth be told it's for under the pool and filling in holes.
Been hauling the dirt around back trying to get the ground level so we can set up the pool. I'm sooooooo excited!!!!
Finally got my little garden all planted so we shall see if we get anything. God is the one who makes it grow so pray for it:)
Christiana helped me plant some flowers so I do hope they grow cuz she will be super excited to see it.
As for preschool..... Well haven't been as faithful. But we did do the letter k and a little on L. By next week I hope to have accomplished L and M. Il keep ya posted!