Wednesday, November 30, 2011

smiles and homemade bread!

Christiana is now six weeks old and is starting to recognize Todd and I. She has the cutest smile. :) In the morning when she sees me her eyes light up and there is a huge grin on her face. Sure does give me a boost in the early morning time.

I dont remember what I posted last time but I am back to walking 2 miles a day and soon very soon to start my wii fit. I have the wii and and wii fit board but not the game yet. I am super excited to be losing weight and get back down to where I was before being pregnant and losing more weight as well.

We ran out of bread yesterday so for the first time in about 6 months I made homemade bread. Wow did it smell good!! I didnt make it while being pregnant cuz I didnt want to be tempted to eat it all. Now I have a little more self control. :)

Concerning the house we have been looking at: we are sending the rest of the paperwork in today and see if they take our offer. I'm super excited yet super nervous. The house is only about 20 minutes from my parents. I will miss being across the street, for sure!

Well gots to go cuz the girly woke up. Pray she gets some good sleep today. She didnt take a nap yesterday at all and she is kinda grumpy but wont sleep.

Friday, November 11, 2011

The adventures of the Ackleys!

Been a while since I have written anything! Usually is though I guess.... Well so much going on around here the past 3 weeks. Christiana was born on Oct. 17th weighing 7lbs 10oz and 21 1/2 in. long. I was induced so they that it is harder labor, but I made it through. :) Only 7 hours of labor total (praise the LORD). OH and no meds!!!!!
Our little princess is doing quite well I think. She is a little colicky but we are doing ok with that. When she was born she had jaundice pretty bad so we had to go to the doctor almost every day the 1st week she was born. That was very tiring on all of us. She is doing fine with that now though.
I absolutely love having her here with me all day. Being a mommy is amazing and awesome!!!

Christiana Joy Ackley

our baby girl!!!!