Wow!!! Time never seems to slow down. I thought for sure I had posted in December, but I guess I did not. God was very good to us in the year 2012. Learning to wait on Him and trust in Him was definitely worked on and we are looking forward to going further with Christ in 2013.
I was reading my friends blog yesterday and she always has a funny story to tell. I am not sure if funny things happen in my life and I forget them or I just don't pay attention to them. New years resolution is to pay attention to the funny stuff. Sometimes I believe I get so caught up in other things I do forget to enjoy the little things God puts in our lives to make us smile. :)
Something to look forward to this year is meeting our handsome little boy! I am 30 weeks along and almost ready to have this baby!! We are excited and nervous about having 2 little ones around. Since we are still in the trailer they will be sharing a room for a while. The Lord provided a good deal on a double stroller and an awesome deal on a car seat. I had to get rid of all the things I had for Christiana because they were pink. So now I have grey and black. Hopefully they will keep for a while and I will not have to buy any more.
Two kids in my church wanted to be a blessing to someone since they were so blessed for Christmas. There mom told them to pray about it and to give something away they had gotten. They both decided to give me there walmart gift cards. I just about cried!!! It was incredibly sweet to see their giving hearts. They told me to buy something for the new baby with them. :) Now that brings a smile on my face. God provides in so many different ways. He abundantly blesses when I do what He asks of me.
I don't know if I had mentioned it before, but I have started making tie quilts. I am in the midst of making one for my brother's baby. (who is to be born in the next week or so) I made 2 jean quilts for a lady's boys for Christmas. I enjoy doing them but I would like to learn more things. I really would like to learn to follow a pattern. I want to make some aprons and maybe even clothes if I can learn. If anybody has tips for me please let me know.
Well there are lots of things to get done around here so I best go for now. I will do my best to not let so much time go before my next post. :)
loooove you!
Hey! There are a lot of blogs from stay at homes out there that teach how to make all sorts of things. I get the links from but I am sure you could google it too and see what comes up!
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