Saturday, April 6, 2013

If everyone prays

Hey there my peeps!!

I was thinking the other day that I need to get more people involved in praying for something. As most of you know we have been looking for a house for quite some time now. Of course with absolutely no success. Everytime that something looks so good and I get my hopes up, it falls through. I know without a doubt God has something for us but I have no idea what or where. So I am asking for everyone to pray that God would lead us to the right one.

My husbands sister and 2 kids moved in with us about 3 weeks ago. They took our bedroom and Todd and I moved into the living room. She is going to buy the trailer from us as soon as we find a place of our own. So now that we are in tight quarters I am feeling more desperate to get out. They are fine to live with it's just the space is limited. Both of her kids are under 5 so there is tons of energy around here. :)

Anyway please pray with us as we are seeking God's will in the next step.


All For His Sake said...

Will definitely keep you in my prayers. :)

Leam L. Leam said...

how do I add you as a friend Liz?

Laney B said...


Anna said...

Praying for you Leam. xo Mama

Sandy said...

Hey Leam. I am praying for you. Any updates?