Sunday, December 26, 2010


Wow!! We gots about 4 in. so far and still snowing! I have never seen this much snow in one winter. It has snowed I believe 4 times already and that is a rare deal for us. I have some pics that I will put on later. Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!
Todd and I stayed home from Church today because we are snowed in (at least in our minds we are:). Todd just finished teaching me his Sunday school lesson and it was very good. Job was a most interesting man and loved the Lord. Definitely a Bible Hero. Lesson learned: Do not let money control you. Job had tons of it and it did not affect him spiritually. God may choose to give some Christians money but that should never distract them from Him. I have a hard time with money so that is why I will continue to stay broke. I dont trust myself with it so I know that God wont give me any. :)
Oh by the way I have my clothes warming by the wood stove and I have never done that before and I feel super cool doing it. :)

1 comment:

Anna Payne said...

I'm so stinking excited about you having a blog again!!!!