Wednesday, May 25, 2011

as usual im sorry for not posting

We had some computer issues and both of them broke :) Todd decided to buy us a Mac computer which I was totally happy about. Our only way to access the world is through the computer. We do not have a tv so to find out weather or check email we really needed a computer. I havent had a chance to get back on blogger, but this morning there was opportunity. :)

Reading in Psalm 40 this morning and the Lord showed me something I had never seen before. Praise to my God and a new song in my mouth will lead people to fear the Lord and trust in Him! Wow that is awesome but then I thought how? From continuing reading in the chapter there is an emphasis on Godly living. Without the life your praise is in vain. The praise and song are simply an outworking of the Godly life being lived. We cant help but praise and sing and people will notice us! Also when we are in love with the Lord we will say continually "the Lord be magnified"! A very good chapter and worth the reading! But aren't they all? :)

Todd and I are seeking the Lord on buying our own place. We pay rent now and would love to get some place that eventually we wouldnt have to pay anymore. We are meeting with the realtor on Thursday to find out more info on a doublewide on almost an acre of land that we found. We have already gone to see and were supposed to put an offer on it yesterday when the lady helping us found out the house is up for auction. So she is getting all the paperwork and we will see how this works. Just pray for the Lord's leading. It is in Elizabeth City, NC which would make us 30 minutes from the border of VA.

I finish work this week!!! Pray for me as I will be home and trying to keep myself occupied. I do not want to drive anywhere due to gas prices, but sometimes staying home is really hard. I have no social life. I miss all guys you who are so far from me. Sometimes I wish I was your neighbor so we could hang out by just walking across the street. :)

1 comment:

Anna said...

I wanted to say Happy Anniversary! Sorry it was a day late but we had a bunch of people over yesterday and I had to go to work. Hope you and baby are doing well. Love Ya'll!