Wednesday, June 29, 2011

To move or not to move

So we have been looking to buying a place and it is all kinda freaking me out. Our trailer is in ok condition but I am having a lot trouble lately with my sinuses due to the window air conditioners. I am very thankful for them though and I would rather have AC than none. We have a lot of things we are concerned about if we stay here though. Our heating situation is the biggest issue. We use a wood stove and heats the living room and the kitchen pretty good but the 2 bedrooms dont get much. I am concerned about how the baby will do with it all. I know though that we will figure it out if we stay here, but in my mind I freak out.
I have decided to go ahead and decorate the baby's room even if I dont know that we will still be here when the baby is born. If I just sit here and wonder I will overly stress myself out! We have completed the bathroom and I will post pics if I ever find my camera cord. Todd will put the wall up in the bedroom when he knows there are no leaks. I have many ideas running through my head of how I want the room to look. Thinking about painting it a light pink and doing some stenciling on the walls. The dresser and the book shelf we have needs to be refinished. Our friends gave us a crib they used for their kids. We were very thankful for that. I am in the midst of selling the couch that is sitting in the room. I have no place for it so I posted it on Craigslist.
While cleaning out things I found quite a bit to yard sale. My pile is getting quite large in my living room. :) I plan on having the yard sale in about 2 weeks. Im making some earrings so i might try to sell them too.
So yeah that is what is going on in my life at the moment. The Lord is really helping me to not stress as much. Spending time with Him everyday really helps. :)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

duties of a wife #2

Well I wanted to give a short update of how I am doing on the not wasting time aspect of my life. Yesterday was tuff cuz I didnt feel good but I did manage to get my house clean and make some earrings. :) Today I am doing much better. I got up at 7:15 and made some coffee. I help Todd fix his lunch and then sat down to enjoy the Word and drink my coffee. I then proceeded to go outside and water the garden and pick the first tomato that has not rotten on the inside :). Then I decided that the grass really needed to be cut so I did that. I am now sitting, drinking some water, and taking a small break. So far so good on the day. God is GOOD!!!!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The duties of a wife

I am in the midst of ironing and decided to stop and eat. Pot roast and carrots from last nights dinner. :) I was thinking about the things for me to do here at the house. I find myself wasting a lot of time while I am home all day by myself. Please pray for me as I have many things that need to be done. I get tired easy because of the pregnancy but I dont want to use it as an excuse for not keeping up with the laundry and the other household chores. I do not feel it is fair for my husband to work all day and then I did nothing at home to make it comfortable for him. Dont get me wrong Todd never complains and he is truly wonderful with me over my failures. So today my goals are finishing the laundry and ironing and washing my car inside and out. If there is time I will do some sewing. :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I am waiting for some bread to cook and I decided to sit and write a little. My feet have been bothering me so I thought I might as well do something while sitting. :) Oh and I think I broke my toe or severely bruised it. I keep running into stuff like chairs and do you miss those things. haha! I certainly hope I am not the only one who does this and if I am than I like being unique even if it is painful. :)

Todd and I went and saw a house yesterday. It had a lot great features to it but I think it had a moisture problem and there is no central heating system. I am really hoping for central air and heat. Had 4 bedrooms though and an awesome kitchen but no shed for Todd. Todd wants a shed and I want an awesome kitchen. We are going to see another place on Friday. It looks good in the picture but you never know till you see it. We are just waiting on the Lord with it all. It is not pressing to get a place right away but we would like our own land.

I started a new scrapbooking album yesterday. I might work on it more today if I cant stand on my feet to get the other things I want to get done. I already started the baby album :) Pictures are fun :)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

WE are having a little girl :) Her name is Christiana Joy Ackley and I think she is the most beautiful baby in the world.

Monday, June 6, 2011

finding out gender of baby today!

Hey hey!!!! I am resting a little before heading to the doctor! I get to find out what gender the baby is and I am super excited bout it. :)

I am going to have a yard sale sooooooon, I hope. I want to sell a few things that I never use and are just taking up space. My grandma and mom want to join in so we should have a good amount of junk :).

I took frisbee for a bike ride this morning. He had to run to keep up and it exhausted him. His tongue was all hanging out the side of his mouth and he was freaked out by the bike. My dog is soooo interesting. :)

Oh Todd said something last night that made me laugh really hard. i was trying to talk to him and he said he couldnt hear cuz of the fan in his ear. :) hahhahaha! I finally got paid back for all the times I couldnt hear anything Momma Davis was saying :)

And Davis if you didnt see my post on your wall I need your email address. Thanks :)

Well love you guys and hope you have a wonderful day!