Tuesday, January 10, 2012

An update!

Well I do hope all of you are doing well! We are doing great! We put in another offer on a house. I am super excited to see if we get it or not. Many people have put an offer on it so we will see if they like ours the best. :) If not we will keep on looking.

My reading is going well. I will finish Exodus today and move on into Leviticus. Leviticus and Deuteronomy are the 2 hardest books for me cuz I dont understand most of it. I am hoping and praying the Lord helps through them and shows me Christ through them. I recommend for you to try reading the Bible like this if you have interest in reading all the way through. I am really enjoying it!

Today is a pjs day! Christiana is taking a nap and I am in the middle of making a rug! I will put pics up when I finish it. I was thinking about making a ton of them and selling them at this years craft show, but we will see how that goes. I get all these ideas in my head and then I get bored. haha!

Oh I am going to Wisconsin next month!!! My new nephew will arrive sometime around Feb. 5th and I am going up there on the 21st! I am super super excited to see my brother Paul, his wife Valerie, Charlie, and the newest Henry......woooooohooooooo!!!! I bought my ticket already but I would like to pay the money back into our account. Any idea on how I could make some moneys???? If you do please let me know cuz I would kind of like a part time job that I can do at home.

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